A lot of people prior to selling their home ‘fix it up’. They may change appliances, kitchen doors, things that will detract from the sale if they’re not fixed. Unless …
Know your Insurance Cover
An interesting article from The Commonwealth Bank on “Know your cover- What home Insurance won’t protect you from!” The article highlights what owner builders/renovators need to consider before starting to …
Owner Builder! Why you must have owner builder Latent Defects Insurance
You have all heard the horror stories of home owners taking years and years fighting with builders, tradies to have their home repaired. Not if you have Owner Builder’s Latent …
Best and Cheapest Insurance
This may be difficult, as you may get the cheapest policy but not the best policy. Let me explain. Some insurers are prepared to offer a cheap policy and in …
Illegal building works, a nightmare when it comes to selling!
Many renovators are unaware of the legal obligations when updating their home. Bad advice and inexperience often catch out people wanting to improve their house. It is important to check …
Owner Builders, Are you prepared for the Storm and Cyclone season? What about FLOOD?
If you are building or renovating or about to start then be prepared. New research from Suncorp and James Cook University found that 90% of respondents believed damage from a …
Fire. Fire. Fire
If you are an Owner Builder, building with no Construction and Public Liability Insurance in place and in an area where bushfires are a possibility. You need Construction and Public …
6 Major mistakes Owner Builders can make when building
1. Whether it is a New Home of Renovation, do NOT over capitalize for the area you are in. Build to the average size of the area. 2. Do not …
How much money do I save Owner Building?
This is a standard question asked by thousands of people doing their research on owner building. Before this question can be answered, you have to decide on the size, design …
Are you an Owner Builder, Renovating or Extending?
And your Home and Contents Insurer will not cover your home while building work is taking place. So now you need Construction and Public Liability Insurance but what about your …
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